When did we stop worrying about whether we've been naughty or nice ? Was it when we got our first paycheck for our first job and could buy the gifts our parents wouldn't get us ? Or was it simply when we stopped writing to Santa Claus ?
When did we stop fearing we wouldn't get what we asked for because we weren't as nice as we could or should have been ? When did our New Year's resolutions change from "I will be nicer to my sister / brother / parents" to "I will go to the gym / lose weight" ?
Do we simply assume we are nice enough now ? Or do we not understand the true importance of being kind to one another ? Perhaps children who continue to believe they must be nice, even when they stop believing in Santa, become adults who believe in karma...
So I guess that whether you ask yourself if you were naughty or nice, or not... karma knows. And karma will ensure life gives you the gifts that you deserve !