Tuesday, February 15, 2011

An icicle

Icicles - Lake Louise, AB, Canada

This is a Valentine's Day Special since "love" almost won the poll last week and love is still in the air today.

Some people are compared to onions, because you have to peel their layers to get to know them. I dated an icicle. And I really loved him...

He was so cold and hard to get to that I thought I would never get to know him properly. Cold as ice, he never let anyone know what was going on inside. But I really wanted to find out... So I started warming my way in. As months and years passed, I felt my progress. I was moving forward, melting my way to his heart, all the while falling in love. 

But I was also blinded by this love, not able to see that with all my warmth, the icicle was slipping away, slowly, until he completely disappeared. And then I was left with nothing but memories of my hard work. Everything I thought I knew was a lie. Everything I thought I had discovered didn't even exist. Everything I believed in disappeared, along with my love for the icicle.

I was left alone in a cold puddle of water... I had melted all I could, only to find emptiness. Shocked  and extremely disappointed, I watched from afar the cold water freeze back into an icicle, into a different shape, one that I would never know. My love turned into anger, sadness and hopelessness... 

Now I tell myself that maybe I was just too warm, too hot for him... And maybe one day I can write about dating a hot flame for a change!


  1. Damn onions, they always makes me cry!

    Ice can drift, can melt, but all the particules are still there. All of them. We see it differently though. It appears in a different form. Things change, evolve. So do we. i guess we sometimes just wish we'd have the same vision...

    Love the hot flame :P

  2. Tu as une belle écriture! Cet article est particulièrement touchant! Je te félicite d'avoir fait ce blog car tu nous fait profiter de tout ça.

  3. WOW! Relire ça après ces années... Vince is an icicle too... for me.
