Monday, May 23, 2011

Before the Moment's Gone

Grab opportunities
Seize the day - Seize the moment
Live everyday like it was your last

Lahaina - Maui, Hawaii

We've all heard one, if not all, of these sayings. I think they're all good and true however for me, none express the intensity of the meaning as much as:

I close my eyes
Only for a moment
And the moment's gone
Dust in the Wind - Kansas

Hearing these words sang, I truly understand how important it is to spend every minute of everyday doing what we want. 

Tomorrow I'm going to work because I have a goal I want to achieve.
Today, I listened to the same song a few times in a row just because I like it.

Today, I looked out the window and stared at emptiness because I felt that my thoughts deserved to run wild and free.

Lake Geneva - Geneva, Switzerland
If I close my eyes for a moment, I want to appreciate the peace, without feeling like I've missed out on something. Grabbing every opportunity is not about always making changes in your life, making pointless big decisions or tiring yourself trying to take on too much. It's about seeing the chances we have to do the things we really want to do and going for it, never looking back!

1 comment:

  1. You take clichés and make them mean something. By making clear what they don't mean. I think I want to say thanks.
