Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Once we realise how much need we create for ourselves, simplicity becomes a pretty attractive way of life. From the clutter in my closet to the food on my plate, I am slowly working towards simplicity. 

With a full wardrobe, it doesn't make sense to think we have nothing to wear.

It doesn't make sense to complain about dusting old souvenirs and decorations we don't really appreciate or even enjoy having.

It also doesn't make sense to feel that there isn't enough time in a day, simply because we force ourselves and convince ourselves that there is so much that needs to be done. There is plenty of time for the real important stuff. 

Why bring ourselves (and others) down by over thinking, over analysing. It doesn't need to be all so complicated and it's nice to give our thoughts a rest.

Another positive change I noticed was with a simpler diet. Fewer but better ingredients. Smaller portions. It actually started to give me more energy.

It turns out that less truly is more. And with less, we can enjoy much better quality. It seems to bring a peace of mind as we have less to worry about... 

Sahara Desert, Morocco

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