Monday, February 7, 2011

Just a little thought

Clouds in the sky - Costa Rica

Time does fly...

I was thinking back at the time when I used to live in Vancouver, it feels like yesterday. And although I know it wasn't actually yesterday, it shocks me to realize it was 4 years ago. It now seems like such a long time, 4 years is a lot... And it has gone by really, really quick. Way too quick! It seems that it's not too long ago I was flying around, carelessly... exploring a beautiful city, going on roadtrips as much as I could... falling in love with Whistler...

Sunset in Jarvis Bay - Australia

I know it takes time to do everything I've done: Live in 3 different countries, in 7 different homes, start 6 jobs, travel to a handful of new places, meet new best friends, fall in love, get my heart broken... Yet, I do think I could have done more in 4 years. And obviously, I will never get those years back! 

I don't have any regrets, I am just shocked by the reality of time!
Even though everyone warned me of it: Plus tu vieillis plus le temps passe vite!


  1. We can always do more....but would any of it be well done? So what would it be worth really.

  2. Des fois.... c'est pas temps la quantité mais la qualité qui compte..

  3. so true... j'ai toujours pensé que j'aurais fait beaucoup plus à l'âge de 25 ans. Vu de l'extérieur et pour les gens normaux de la société, j'ai tout fait, tout vécu mais pour moi, je n'ai même pas accompli le tier de ce que je voulais avoir fait quand j'étais plus jeune! Mais le temps passe vite et je me dis que j'ai les 50 prochaines années pour me reprendre!
