Monday, February 21, 2011

My definition

If I had to describe travelling....

A travel experience is all about the memories we create, based on events, the people we're with, the taste of food, the different smells, the overall feeling and so on. Sometimes, when all those elements come perfectly together, we believe we've found paradise. Sometimes, the scenery and everything else is so overwhelming that we never want to leave, by fear of never finding the same experience elsewhere... 

But people leave or they change and that's when we realize it's nothing without them. Just like ironically, nothing can become absolutely everything with them. These people can be new travel buddies, old friends or just complete strangers... either way, they all contribute to making the experience unique. And yet, we're ready to travel the world again, in search of that same amazing feeling, never quite finding it, not wanting to believe it was really unique. So instead, we discover new beauties, new cultures and new people, which will give us another unbelievable experience and make us set off for another never ending adventure, a quest for the mysterious feeling we long for...

Thank you to all the people who were at some point part of my endless trip; my life.


  1. So true!! It's almost like love, you can't create it and you can't expect it, and yet, the best thing ever. Love the quest ;)
    P.S. de beaux gros flocons léger dansent à travers des buildings pour se poser gentiment sur Vancouver. C'est booooo

  2. I started traveling with no expections at all that I would mature or I'll find myself bit more, I just knew it's gonna be a fun time. But I did learn to important things: Time goes by so quickly in life and you have to learn to enjoy the moment, every moment. Secondly, it's all about the people, doesn't matter where you are, it's the people which makes you feel comfortable at the end of the day.
